Tecken | C |
Atomnummer | 6 |
Grupp | 14 (Kolgruppen) |
Period | 2 |
Block | p |
Ämnesklass | Icke-metall |
Utseende | - |
Färg | Svart |
Antal protoner | 6 p+ |
Antal neutroner | 6 n0 |
Antal elektroner | 6 e- |
Fas vid STP | Fast |
Densitet | 1.821 g/cm3 |
Relativ atommassa | 12.0096 u |
Smältpunkt | - |
Kokpunkt | - |
Ångbildningsvärme | 715 kJ/mol |
Elektronegativitet (Paulingskalan) | 2.55 |
Elektronaffinitet | 121.776 kJ/mol |
Oxidationstal | −4, −3, −2, −1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4 (a mildly acidic oxide) |
Jonisationspotential |
Upptäckt | Egyptians and Sumerians (3750 f.Kr.) |
Första isolation | Antoine Lavoisier (1789) |
Recognized as an element by | Antoine Lavoisier (1789) |
Upptäckten av kol Carbon was discovered in prehistory and was known in the forms of soot and charcoal to the earliest human civilizations. The earliest known use of charcoal was for the reduction of copper, zinc, and tin ores in the manufacture of bronze, by the Egyptians and Sumerians. Diamonds were known probably as early as 2500 BC in China, while carbon in the form of charcoal was made around Roman times by the same chemistry as it is today, by heating wood in a pyramid covered with clay to exclude air. True chemical analyses were made in the 18th century, and in 1789 carbon was listed by Antoine Lavoisier as an element. |