Símbolo | Ac |
Número atómico | 89 |
Grupo | 3 (Familia del escandio) |
Período | 7 |
Bloque | d |
Clasificación | Actínido |
Apariencia | - |
Color | Plata |
Número de protones | 89 p+ |
Número de neutrones | 138 n0 |
Número de electrones | 89 e- |
Fase en STP | Sólido |
Densidad | 10 g/cm3 |
Peso atómico | 227 u |
Punto de fusión | 1500 K 1226.85 °C 2240.33 °F |
Punto de ebullición | 3500 K 3226.85 °C 5840.33 °F |
Entalpía de vaporización | 400 kJ/mol |
Electronegatividad (Escala de Pauling) | 1.1 |
Afinidad electrónica | 33.77 kJ/mol |
Estado de oxidación | +3 (a strongly basic oxide) |
Energía de ionización |
Descubrimiento | Friedrich Oskar Giesel (1902) |
Primer aislamiento | Friedrich Oskar Giesel (1903) |
Nombrado por | André-Louis Debierne (1899) |
Descubrimiento de actinio André-Louis Debierne, a French chemist, announced the discovery of a new element in 1899. He separated it from pitchblende residues left by Marie and Pierre Curie after they had extracted radium. In 1899, Debierne described the substance as similar to titanium and (in 1900) as similar to thorium. Friedrich Oskar Giesel found in 1902 a substance similar to lanthanum and called it "emanium" in 1904. After a comparison of the substances' half-lives determined by Debierne, Harriet Brooks in 1904, and Otto Hahn and Otto Sackur in 1905, Debierne's chosen name for the new element was retained because it had seniority, despite the contradicting chemical properties he claimed for the element at different times. Together with polonium, radium, and radon, actinium was one of the first non-primordial radioactive elements to be isolated. The name actinium originates from the Ancient Greek aktis, aktinos (ακτίς, ακτίνος), meaning beam or ray. Its symbol Ac is also used in abbreviations of other compounds that have nothing to do with actinium, such as acetyl, acetate and sometimes acetaldehyde. |