Tecken | Re |
Atomnummer | 75 |
Grupp | 7 (Mangangruppen) |
Period | 6 |
Block | d |
Ämnesklass | Övergångsmetall |
Utseende | Silvery-grayish |
Färg | Grå |
Antal protoner | 75 p+ |
Antal neutroner | 111 n0 |
Antal elektroner | 75 e- |
Fas vid STP | Fast |
Densitet | 21.02 g/cm3 |
Relativ atommassa | 186.207 u |
Smältpunkt | 3459 K 3185.85 °C 5766.53 °F |
Kokpunkt | 5869 K 5595.85 °C 10104.53 °F |
Ångbildningsvärme | 707.1 kJ/mol |
Elektronegativitet (Paulingskalan) | 1.9 |
Elektronaffinitet | 5.8273 kJ/mol |
Oxidationstal | −3, −1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7 (a mildly acidic oxide) |
Jonisationspotential |
Upptäckt | Walter Noddack, Ida Noddack, Otto Berg (1925) |
Första isolation | Walter Noddack, Ida Noddack (1928) |
Upptäckten av rhenium In 1922, Walter Noddack and Ida Tacke (future spouses Noddack) began searching for the elements number 43 (technetium) and 75 (rhenium). The Noddacks extracted 1 mg of oxide of what they believed to be element number 75 from platinum ore, and by X-ray emission spectroscopy found lines belonging to element number 75. Then the Noddacks published the discovery of element number 75 and named it rhenium after the river Rhine in Europe. |